Monday, November 15, 2010

I love Fall.  Anyone who knows me well knows that this is my favorite time of year.  As  fast as  the trees have burst into color, it seems that Fall has come and gone already.  Now we settle into the late Autumn rush as the holidaze approach and all of my beloved leaves have fallen from their branches.

I don't really know what it is about the Fall that makes my heart so happy.  Most people see the season as the beginning of the end, already dreading the dark of winter that is just around the corner.  But I see it as nature's last blaze of glory, her final bloom before she goes to sleep to renew herself for her eventual rebirth.

There are still a few golden leaves that are clinging to their branches in a final act of defiance to the coming of winter but these are few and far between now.  The landscape is beginning to take on a different look, of woods open now to the light, and the ground covered in a carpet of color now spent. 

It wont be long before winter settles upon us. Winter will cover us with her icy, blue cold beauty so different from the blazing warmth of my beloved Fall.  I wish that she could stay just a little longer.....but she is already almost gone.

I love Fall. and I already miss her.

New to Blogging!

Blogging seems to be a wave to stay.  I have enjoyed reading the blogs of several of my friends over the years but untiIl now haven't started a blog of my own.  Thought I'd step into the new age and open a place where I can share some of the happy moments, the sad moments and the funny moments that life here at Wild Mtn can bring.

Let me introduce myself...I'm Helen Riggle and together with my husband Brian, we are "Wild Mtn ".  Wild Mtn is our kennel prefix, and Dual quality Brittanys are our passion.  The dogs are what brought us together in marriage, and the dogs are our very center of life.  To some this may not seem normal or healthy, but to many, many of our friends this is just as normal as life an be.

It's time for me to wrap up the computer work this morning and scoot off to work.  But stay tuned, in my next post I'll introduce you all to the Wild Mtn Gang .and I'll begin to share some of the reflections of life here at WILD MTN!!!!