Friday, December 3, 2010

She is home,if only for a little while....

Not sure how or where we get instructions on navigating motherhood  We just do it..  I'm told that there aren't any instructions or guidelines and one just has to follow their heart.  When she came into the world I was just a young woman myself, barely able to manage my own life.  But she brought with her such a beautiful and infectious JOY that the tales of the horrid trials and tribulations seemed so far away and unfathomable.

Years passed, life moved on.  Growing pains and growing up for both of us was both a lesson in frustration  as well as the kind of bliss only mothers can experience.  Over all it is a kind of total happiness that is so all encompassing. 

She has grown now and is venturing forth into the world on her own terms.  Still so much to experience for her and still so many lessons await her in life. She is in the process of finding herself and is on her way to coming into her own.  But for now she is home. I'm enjoying every precious minute as we share a week in time. 
She's home, if only for a little while.......

1 comment:

  1. There is something extraordinary that occurs when 18 passes and 19 begins...its a coming of age and a sense of letting go for us, and while it hurts a little, they are still our babies and in the end we learn they still need us, only now for the grown up things.
    Life is brief I relearned today painfully, embrace every moment, because tomorrow might not be.
    You are a phenomenal MOM. You have done a great job with her with the tools you had to draw upon and life's hard lessons of your own.
    I admire you and I respect you so very much!
    I love your blog sure you have the feeds, clouds and the tags, FYI and if you need help and quick tools let me know. XOXO
