Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January is always a time for reflections....

It's that time of year again.  Winter.  After all of the running around in Dec, all of the getting ready for the Christmas celebrations, the holiday concerts, the birthday celebration and of course coming full steam into New Year's Eve, it is suddenly as if someone flipped a switch to put us into slow motion.  Winter.  The jolly days are behind us and a time of reflections and planning for the upcoming year is here.

I can't say that 2010 was a bad year.  It wasn't.  It was hectic, it was at times, nerve wracking, it was eye opening and at times very painful. It was a year of changes for us, a time of new experiences, crossing off a thing or two off the bucket list,  travels cross country as well as a year of moving forward.  We tackled, we toiled and we ultimately accomplished a good deal.  In reflecting upon it now I have to say that over all, 2010 was a good year.

It's January now. Things are quiet as we await an oncoming snow storm and I find myself reflecting on the big storm of 2010 that left us without power or telephones for 10 days.  Those 10 days were a gift from God, as we were given a small space in time to be in our own little world without interruption or concerns past the most primal....heat, food, shelter and each other.  I caught up on a lot of reading in those 10 days and shoveled a lot of snow too. :))  Candlelight dinners lost their romance for a small time and my appreciation of spring was never so strong!

What will 2011 hold in store for us?  We are settled into a new home, and have plans for trips as far as Iowa and Oklahoma this Spring. We have had to scale back a bit on how many dogs we carry this season, limiting to the existing string we have.  But that is ok.  Perhaps slowing down and scaling back a bit is what we need this year.  It will give us time for the "home life"and give wings to the dreams we harbored when we first saw the house.  It will allow our home to become our center....something we have been missing for quite some time until now.

2011 has already given blossom to an old relationship with a rocky past new beginnings with a bright future of fun and love ahead.  A partnership within this relationship has been formed. Where once there was only diversity and strife now come the dreams and a whisper of the promise of success. Hoping for success towards hard earned titles on a puppy that has returned.   This puppy holds the key of bringing sisters together in a run for the roses and the steps and points earned on that journey have only just begun.

In my reflections for 2011 I see that  as the weather warms, the storms subside, and the snow melts, that 2011 will bring more time for sitting on the front porch, sipping lemonade and watching the fireflies!!!

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